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Everything posted by Seb

  1. Promotions can be quite complicated because there are lots of settings about which are mandatory and some that might not work in conjunction We've gone back to your ticket requesting remote access so we can check. If you can enable remote access we can take a look Yesterday was a bank holiday in the UK - we had emergency support but you would have had slower responses on support tickets.
  2. Just to update this here - the reason this happens is because the logo is square on mobile devices and - so the logo needs to work on multiple screen widths. Obviously the solution is that we have a horizontal logo and a square alternative for mobile devices, which we'll add soon!
  3. This does actually exist -- we added it recently. It's not particularly efficient though so we're likely to add advanced search through everything as a feature in the near future
  4. The team will basically help you to get set up with Upmind - we describe it like this: Our team will help you to configure: - Up to 10 provision configurations - Adding a domain widget to your website - Linking your domain - Setting up SMTP and support tickets - Linking up to 3 payment gateways - Up to 20 products We can't configure the services you offer (e.g. cPanel) but we can link them to upmind for you
  5. Up to you. I would personally just keep billing agreements, but you could in theory have both and call one PayPal Automated Payments, and the other 'PayPal one-off' We'll be releasing traditional PayPal subscriptions soon also, though that comes with problems as it's a 'push' payment.
  6. This is now live. When you ask PayPal to enable reference transactions, they'll come back with a response like Reference Transactions allow you to recharge a customer’s credit card after an initial transaction has been completed. You will not need to input your customer’s credit card information to process a sale. When a buyer purchases an item on your site, a reference transaction ID is generated. You can use the reference transaction ID later to initiate subsequent transactions. As a merchant, you can use a reference transaction ID to capture future payments against a billing agreement. The capture future payment transaction is a reference transaction. As Reference Transactions carry a higher risk than other products, please send an email to [email protected] with the following information so that we can submit an application for Reference Transactions on your behalf. Business information: Business name Business URL Current/anticipated monthly sales via PayPal only (based on the last 3 months) Number of repeat customers (past 3 months) Integration information: Please describe what you intend to use Reference Transaction for. Do you or your buyers need to initiate each subsequent payment themselves or are they processed automatically after the billing agreement is created? Will this service be enabled within your website, mobile app integration, or both? Are you integrating through another payment service provider, such as Worldpay or Ingenico? Do you require the Reference Transactions product for use with your Shopping Cart to offer Subscriptions? (For example Woo-Commerce, Charge-Bee.) Once we confirm receipt of the above information, your application may take up to 3 days to be assessed. Please be aware that we may require more information once your application is processed. If you offer monthly subscriptions, you can activate the feature yourself by downloading the subscription button. For more information go to: https://developer.paypal.com/docs/subscriptions/#how-a-subscriptions-integration-works. If you cannot use a subscription, please specify why. Thank you for contacting PayPal and for being a valued customer. If you have no further questions, you may close the conversation by selecting End Message. If you respond to this message, a member of our team will follow up with you. You need to provide answers to these. Template answers as follows (obviously adjust so it is accurate for your business) Integration information: Please describe what you intend to use Reference Transaction for. Repeat billing of customers who have ongoing relationships with us. These customers pay us irregularly and the amount can vary from time to time. Do you or your buyers need to initiate each subsequent payment themselves or are they processed automatically after the billing agreement is created? Both are possible. The billing agreement can be automatically charged when a service comes up for renewal and an invoice is generated, or the customer can choose to manually pay an invoice or place an order, with the billing agreement as a stored payment method. Will this service be enabled within your website, mobile app integration, or both? Within our website client area Are you integrating through another payment service provider, such as Worldpay or Ingenico? No, we are integrating directly with PayPal. Do you require the Reference Transactions product for use with your Shopping Cart to offer Subscriptions? (For example Woo-Commerce, Charge-Bee.) Yes, we use Upmind.com as our ecommerce software.
  7. Hey guys We're about to put PayPal billing agreement functionality live. This allows you to automatically charge client PayPal accounts for payments (just like charging a card on file) To support it you need to have reference transactions enabled on your PayPal account. As that takes a couple of days to do, if you want to offer this please raise a request with PayPal so you are ready for this feature 🙂
  8. There shouldn't be any reason you can't keep using the enom account. Essentially it's a standalone enom account just through whmcs (so you give them a cut I think!), but it should still work fine,
  9. Hi Thomas Hexonet should definitely be linking -- it could be that you have more than 2 provision configurations? We limit the number of provision configurations you can have on the free plan On the showcase, that's coming super-soon -- widgets you can drop in 🙂
  10. How about a 'lock status' option? Which stops any changes to a ticket apart from for staff -- and by default departments can be fully locked for clients.
  11. Our booth is up - look forward to meeting you tomorrow...
  12. Issue tracked here: https://github.com/upmind-automation/provision-provider-servers/issues/22
  13. Currently it supports create, change root password, resize, reinstall, reboot, shurdown, poweron, terminate. See here: https://github.com/upmind-automation/provision-provider-servers#functions More will come
  14. This brief issue was caused by some backend kubernetes pods failing. It caused some errors on our API which would have shown as network error on the frontend sites. The issues were intermittent and lasted under five minutes. Because page loads in the Upmind app generally load a number of API calls, this likely manifested for most users as a normal page load with some missing data and a 'Network Error' toast message.
  15. Are you sure you are passing the data from GTM to GA4? There's no issues with us passing data to GTM if your tag is entered correctly, but you need to pass the variables to GA4.
  16. This is written and will be reviewed and pushed soon https://github.com/upmind-automation/provision-provider-domain-names/pull/14
  17. https://github.com/upmind-automation/provision-provider-domain-names/issues/9
  18. I've not seen anyone use Google Domains as a reseller - is that common practice? Definitely we need to add support for other google tools e.g. WorkSpace
  19. We're actually hiding this option - it's essentially how strict our next due date calculation is. Behind the scenes in Upmind we calculate due dates of services based on historic invoices. So on strict mode, we calculate through every historic invoice on a service and work out the correct due date from that. On non-strict mode we just use the last invoice. Actually, everything uses Strict mode now and there's no reason why just the last invoice would be different. It used to be different based on data that was imported because we wouldn't have all the historic information but what we've done now is generate a pro rata 0 invoice to just get the date right which means full reconciliation works </behind the scenes>
  20. No not yet -- we did have this before but we ended up disabling it as it added a lot of complexity for when end-clients wanted certain things removed. I.e. we were then creating credit notes, creating new invoices etc. We also want to add more flexibility about what gets grouped. E.g. there are certain things you might want invoiced to a different company, or on a different period, and building that flexibility makes it more complex What I think we'll come out with first is the ability to get a +- range at which point if an invoice is generated, other things due within that range are also invoiced. You'd be able to exclude certain services from being included But in summary it's a bit more complicated than just consolidating invoices, which is why it's not an option yet.
  21. Seb


    Can definitely get this export yes -- I imagine we'd need different types of export 1. GDPR data request (all personal information) 2. Account export - to get a list of all services, invoices etc 3. Data log export to get an audit of everything that has happened -- this would basically be an export of the activity log. Have created an issue
  22. I don't think it's too hard for us to create an alias although I do think that someone who wants to find out what you are using will find out. We'll add this to the list.
  23. You have a ticket with Harry regarding this. There are very good reasons we have protection on the API.
  24. I think this duplicates work with little benefit -- we'd much rather focus on improving Upmind functionality. Upmind needs to be the source of truth for subscriptions and store the Stripe tokens that are then charged.
  25. Just to add for anyone reading this, our api supports the ?with= command, so you can include for example ?with=status
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