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  1. Hi Dave We've also got an SDK coming for progressive import. It's being battle tested right now Thanks Seb
  2. DDOS has returned and we are enacting our mitigation plans that were planned for later this week https://upmind.statuspage.io/
  3. The issue is resolved -- we've posted a postmortem here: https://upmind.statuspage.io/incidents/rhf0q0gtmmtx
  4. We're currently working to mitigate a large DDOS Updates here: https://upmind.statuspage.io
  5. This is now available within the app - under 'Updates' in the top nav bar.
  6. We're excited to put together our new feature tracker at https://features.upmind.com/ In this we're adding features that we're working on and giving ETA dates. At the moment those ETAs are quarterly, but we release usually weekly. We'll be building this feature tracker into our application directly.
  7. We for will find ways for clients to more easily sell products that avoids them needing to sign up with providers direct -- but we're explicitly trying to avoid what happens here where clients get locked into a service and we take a margin on the product.
  8. I think you have some misunderstanding about what our MRR shows. It is this: - Price of each live contract product you have - Divided by the number of months Therefore if you had 2 annual plan of $120/yr and 1 monthly plan of $10/month The MRR would be $30 -- It doesn't show cash in that month, or the number of subscriptions that are paid monthly, or income after fees -- or anything complicated like that. It's a reflection of the amount of recurring revenue your business has
  9. That's not true - our MRR is the monthly recurring revenue of the business in Upmind if everything was renewed that month. If there's a yearly payment, then yes -- a monthly calculation is the yearly payment divided by 12. It's not meant to be the amount of people who pay on a monthly billing cycle -- that's not what the stat is. It reflects the subscription base of the business regardless of billing cycle.
  10. Hi Dusan We've got a series of updates on invoice numbering in progress: - Proforma invoicing - Different number series for 0 value invoices - Marking invoice number prefixes optional - Custom invoice numbering when paid and unpaid - If invoices have taxes to change the title from invoice to tax invoice - Unique order numbers separate from the invoice numbers As well as this we've got e-invoicing underway with a deploy out for that this month -- for compliance with Indian, Mexican and Colombia tax authorities, as well as incoming support for Peppol. For now you can edit the invoice pdf to show 'proforma' if it's unpaid -- but it does not change the number sequence. Thanks Seb
  11. Hi Snake - we include generous numbers of users with each plan. Three with the free plan, and 5 with the $25/mo plan.
  12. Hi Siggles, We use different fraud scanning tools to set the scores so it's usually pretty accurate -- it's mostly based on IP addresses and addresses and distance between the two. So a VPN would often trigger Typically people set review around 75 and then the block quite high (~95) and then adjust it if they are getting a large number of fraud orders. Reviewing will allow payment to be made but stop provisioning until the order is accepted. Thanks Seb
  13. Hi We did a lot of analysis on the pricing and it makes it cheaper for almost every single user of ours -- including dropping a number of people from paid to free. We've increased staff users from 1 to 3 on the free plan. However we also haven't changed the plans of any existing clients -- they remain on the existing plans and can change if they want (and most would do given that the new pricing is almost always cheaper) I see the point on webhooks not being available on our starter plan and we'll see if we can enable those on that -- the problem is that can be quite expensive for us to provide as it's very bandwidth intensive, so we might need to limit the number available. Obviously we're a SAAS solution so we're not just a software business - it costs us to host the service too. As to monthly invoice totals, I think they are very reasonable - for a business turning over $3.6 million we'd only charge $1500 a month.
  14. Yes -- all the data is under settings -> reports. You can download as CSV. You can also send the data daily to S3 under settings -> accounting & reports
  15. Pleased to say we now support up to 3 staff users on our free plan, so that you can get setup without charge
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