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  1. Hi @Seb Was this feature implemented?
  2. I don't agree with this. Seb ran a hosting company, and India was one of their big markets. Anyways, my concerns will be addressed with the upcoming feature below.
  3. I need to attach custom data to the Products. Products attributes/options are not suitable as they will show in the order form. I want to use this information only in the Invoice. Please suggest a way.
  4. @SebIs there any option available right now to disable invoicing from Upmind? I will rely on the 3rd party invoicing till the invoice generated by Upmind is compliant with the above.
  5. Three things are missing from the invoices. Please check the attached image. Indian users, if registered under GST, are at risk of being penalized by the authority sooner or later once they see the generated invoice.
  6. Hi, It is necessary to have the product HSN/ service SAC code on the invoice for it to be considered a valid invoice for Indian GST.
  7. Hi. I noticed that putting a comma in the Store Address field under Upmind Settings -> Business Settings causes all the text after it to be put on a new line. This makes the address take up more space on the invoice. However, some countries have a comma in their address, so please do not automatically separate the text after the comma onto a new line.
  8. I haven't tested the integration yet. I'll test and let you know.
  9. I meant the payments. I thought I can attach the card or give UPI auto debit mandate then it will auto deduct whenever a new domain is purchased or renewed through API. Just like it's on NameSilo.
  10. No option for them to auto deduct domain charges? We need to manually add the funds?
  11. Ah! It's there. I am really sorry. I missed that drop down. 😅
  12. Z Bulk add should also allow to select states in Bulk. I had add to add 35 states one by one. 😞
  13. I'll compensate with the new widget framework when it's available. I'll embed those widgets within the pages of my CMS and customize as desired.
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