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Everything posted by Seb

  1. You can create, suspend, terminate. It's quite basic. We've done the initial integration to get the fundamentals working but there's certain things (e.g. how do you specify a datacenter location) that aren't clear in their docs. As our framework is being open-sourced, we imagine that others who need those extra 20i features would take on the development of the extra functions they need.
  2. Not yet -- we've got a new widget ecosystem built which we'll be hopefully getting out relatively soon
  3. You can set up a product notification for it no problem - under the product management -> product notifications. You could set it on contract product activated. You can also use twig syntax and if statements in then notifications Creating a ticket off the back is something we will be adding also. Obviously the ideal is that we have integrations.
  4. I think when we tackle this we're going to decouple it slightly from the registrar DNS. Because typically nowadays people would want to use third party DNS services, or hook into their own, rather than relying on a domain registrar's DNS servers.
  5. I've put a guide here for you https://docs.upmind.com/docs/how-to-change-the-renewal-date-of-a-subscription
  6. There is -- under Insights and Reports -> Reports, you can run an export clients and leads report. We can also add more Of course we're also API first so you can literally get **everything** via our API
  7. There isn't a way to automatically do it for all yet, but you could go to an existing service and set the next due date to the first, and it'll pro rata charge them for the difference until then
  8. You should be able to use the UPI/QR gateway for this also. The only thing we understand is not supported by this gateway (this is Razorpay's end, not to do with us) is tokenisation for repeat payments
  9. This is live for use now We've prioritised getting the UPI, QR code integration done - which means that everyone in India can pay There is a separate Razorpay integration coming in future which allows you to take credit and debit cards only and tokenise them
  10. I'm going to move these to a new api section of the features list. There's very few people now using the API (as we're only just releasing API token support next week) and it's not well documented.
  11. We now also have Flutterwave
  12. We don't like to give ETAs but the tool is functionally complete. It'll be used in-house for a bit first.
  13. Yes the issues here are almost always that the domain where the widget is placed is not added to settings -> domains It doesn't need to have DNS pointing to us, but it needs to be added to that list there so we know which Upmind instance the widget is associated with
  14. Just to update this is being resolved -- we're creating separate structures for date translations.
  15. We've tried a number of editors and they haven't worked well - often breaking variables and definitely breaking style. Our code quality is too high to put in something like TinyMCE We will return to this at some point
  16. Hi Luis The first is about invoice notifications (emails) in relation to invoices being due. So for example when should emails be sent in advance of an invoice being due (you can add multiple days). The second is about client products being due. There may not be invoices -- especially if manual renewal is set. So for instance some people have manual renewal enabled and then send manual renewal notices on 14/7/3 days before product expiry telling them to log in and renew manually.
  17. There are three separate things here - The first is a brand 'reset' - which is what we're doing for a few people. This is where they have signed up and then create test data to check it all works, and then once they are happy they want to start for real. We don't have a 'test' mode as such so they want to basically hard reset their data. This is something we're adding soon. - In terms of a 'hard delete' of invoices or transactions, it's not possible to just delete one thing as it'll ruin your reporting, balances etc. Upmind is designed to proper accounting standards so you can't just delete an invoice. If an invoice is credited, there is a corresponding credit note. Invoices + Credit Notes + Payments + Trade Debtors = 0. If you just delete something you break things. - There is also the request to delete things like old products / contract products and just clear them from the system. That's something we'll be adding
  18. Some screenshots Clients view their pins under 'Support' in their client area Staff can view a support pin under the client, or they can click 'Verify pin' to enter a support pin and then locate the client
  19. This is now live You can enable it under settings -> service desk -> support pin
  20. Yes exactly. It also allows card payments - but just not automatic recharging of them. So if you wanted both you would say clients can pay by 'Credit or Debit Card' (the card implementation) or 'Direct Payment' (Razorpay redirect)
  21. We have payments and refunds working in a test environment. So ETA next week at the latest for this to be available. RazorPay have two options: - Payment Links (what we have implemented so far). This allows all their payment methods but does not tokenise payments for automatic future charging - API integration for credit and debit cards. This supports tokenisation for automatic future charging Presumably we need to support both?
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