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Posts posted by Seb

  1. They are standalone separate businesses but I run all apart from Enhance, although I am an investor there also.

    5+ years ago the teams behind all of them worked together at Paragon, which was a large hosting group in the UK.

    Stablepoint (along with a few other brands) was one of the early adopters of Upmind and obviously as a substantial hosting company it's allowed us to perfect and hone the processes and setup of things. The Upmind setup is runs is absolutely default with no custom setup.

    Fixed.net is pretty much standalone at present but we built that partly to gain an understanding of the WordPress/WooCommerce market, as Upmind is a natural drop in (external) replacement for some of the mess that gets added in as plugins etc to WordPress. It maintains after around 9000 WordPress sites now.

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  2. Hi Luis


    For that you would top up the account with the amount of the payment, then you could add it to the invoices


    There isn't a supported way of 'overpaying' an invoice yet -- and adding the rest to account credit. But it's something we plan to add (along with consolidated payments etc)





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  3. Yes for now you have to create a subscription then edit it. You can manually add an order under clients -> quick order -> existing service and specify a custom renewal date. But that wouldn't handle the first payment.

    We'll add an issue to create the option to pro rata orders

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  4. Not yet because there are a few things we need to work out how to handle - PayPal subscriptions are pretty terrible in that they are a push payment of a fixed amount. So what happens if the invoice amount changes / product gets cancelled etc - and how do we handle that in a non-clunky way.

    We've got a few ideas and will be moving to it.

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