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Posts posted by Seb

  1. We're adding in KYC integration in the new year. It'll be modular so  you can add in various third parties. Stripe is quite expensive -- others like for example withpersona.com give 500 free.

    We played with the idea of just building something like this ourselves and offering it free but it would be a time-sink and we'll circle back to that later if there is big demand.

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  2. Sure but that's because they work on support systems which bill per client rather than staff user. We can come up with some custom setup for agencies like this that actually allows them to log into remote brands easily from centralised 2FA logins.


  3. Yeah but that could be anything from checking their email is valid, to doing address verification - all the way through to having them do a passport verification with a third party (which can be expensive). We already do the first two and are likely to integrate the last option but you'll have to add in your third party details as we can't cover the cost of verifications and it's frankly prohibitive for many hosting businesses.

    I'm sure Stripe flag issues with customers based on their dispute rates, but I can't see them doing anything wholesale. They also have excellent fraud prevention tools (e.g. Radar), and could quite easily add in things to solve this on their end like forcing 3dsecure.


  4. I understand they want to reduce disputes down. Where have you heard that this is happening from January? KYC is an extremely broad term so I'd want to see some more specific information from them about what they are actually saying. I run several hosting businesses with significant monthly Stripe spend and this is news to me.



  5. We do support socket messages which you can enable under triggers. We could do something like that on the side menu if we can do it performantly, as we don't want to have to do all those lookups on every pageload as it will slow it down -- it also could vary based on permissions (i.e. admin A may see 10 support tickets, whereas admin A may see 15)

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  6. Hi Florian

    I think we've had a ticket also 🙂

    We have a good integration with Plesk and are adding more. Plenty of domain providers. Other integrations like email providers are coming soon.

    Obviously we are new software so don't have the many years of community plugins and addons, but many of the custom plugins written for WHMCS we have built tools into Upmind anyway. We're also API first.

    There's a fairly decent overview of some differences here: https://docs.upmind.com/docs/whmcs-alternative-upmind-comparison


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