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  3. Cloudflare please, is the best price for resellers
  4. Hi Dale, We've logged a request for ticket deletion. Currently, you can only close tickets. However, if you think that you've received a spam ticket, you can now utilize our new "Mark as Spam" feature, allowing you to flag them effortlessly. Additionally, you can manage inbound email spam rules and use filters for simpler spam ticket handling.
  5. Last week
  6. Hi everyone, how do I delete a ticket. I can close them, which I'm sure is enough, just want to tidy up our Upmind instance. Thanks Dale
  7. https://docs.virtfusion.com/api/#api-Self_Service
  8. In order to automatize or customers for buying VPSses an integration with VirtFusion would be a good choice, as VirtFsion is very mordern and fits Upmind.
  9. Earlier
  10. Hi there! Any updates on Mollie integration?
  11. Inwx domain provider with over 2000 domains https://www.inwx.de/de/offer/api
  12. Connection to the lexoffice.de accounting API
  13. Good Morning, How about SolusVM 2 is better than the 1 version and has more functions and can also be used as a cloud version https://docs.solusvm.com/v2/api-reference/api.html
  14. Razorpay has become a pain in the as* to deal with due to their regulations. They need the host to have different PCI DSS certifications to even accept them as merchant.
  15. What about the open sourcing of the payment gateway? This has been pending for too long now.
  16. I can suggest alternative payment gateway for Cashfree. Currently indian users using Razorpay as payment gateway and it's support UPI, netbanking, credit and debit. Team will consider Cashfree in coming months. Thanks for patience.
  17. @Seb Please consider Wisp.gg as a prio for the game panels. It't the most most beautiful UI for now in my opinion otgether with the Upmind UI.
  18. Hi, Currently, Upmind's pricing model displays the regular/renewal price on the product. To offer lower initial purchase prices, you can utilize the promotion code feature. Simply set up a promotion that auto-applies, which will be applied to the first payment. And, if you need to include transfer fees, you can add them as a product option. However, regarding the Grace and Redemption period price, rest assured I'll forward your feedback to our team for feature consideration. Thanks for bringing it to our attention!
  19. I currently use WHMCS with marketconnect. most of my clients also have provisioned 3rd party apps like e-mails etc through marketplace. https://marketplace.whmcs.com/ Are you thinking about this marketplace? it's a huge thing when considering to move to UM.
  20. Is it possible to sort the release notes by latest date😄?
  21. Yes I also think the $25 a month is a bit excessive for a new product compared to WHMCS, DirectAdmin, Plesk etc. I wish you guys has a one smaller plan that that as its a big jump from Free to $25 a month. You should consider a $10 a month plan.
  22. I think you have some misunderstanding about what our MRR shows. It is this: - Price of each live contract product you have - Divided by the number of months Therefore if you had 2 annual plan of $120/yr and 1 monthly plan of $10/month The MRR would be $30 -- It doesn't show cash in that month, or the number of subscriptions that are paid monthly, or income after fees -- or anything complicated like that. It's a reflection of the amount of recurring revenue your business has
  23. A list of TLD's with the pricing with it. To show to customers. Example:
  24. Then why is the MRR so woefully incorrect, when removing other than monthly payments, and fees?
  25. That's not true - our MRR is the monthly recurring revenue of the business in Upmind if everything was renewed that month. If there's a yearly payment, then yes -- a monthly calculation is the yearly payment divided by 12. It's not meant to be the amount of people who pay on a monthly billing cycle -- that's not what the stat is. It reflects the subscription base of the business regardless of billing cycle.
  26. There needs to be a update and signifcant improvement to MRR calculations in Upmind. Upmind is over 30% inaccurate MRR when compared to Stripe's MRR. I believe some, not all, comes from the fact Upmind classes a yearly purchase / 12. I do not believe a single annual payment should be added to MRR, when a one off payment is by definition not "monthly returning revenue". Can we get the option to exclude annual charges from MRR, and can we get some insight into why MRR is tragically wrong when compared to WHMCS?
  27. Hi there, Thanks for the suggestion. We're aware of that, and you can actually achieve that by doing a manual process, which we understand can be time-consuming and tedious. We're looking into integrating it into Upmind. Appreciate you bringing this up : )
  28. I had the same issue and the fix was using the main login URL: https://my.upmind.com/auth/login
  29. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! We totally understand the frustration. Rest assured, we're already on it! We've added this to our feature request list and roadmap 🙂
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