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Posts posted by Seb

  1. This is exactly what we are intending. We're looking at doing this ourselves rather than relying on a third party like OnFido as the latter can be quite expensive and we want to keep costs as low as possible for endusers. The idea is that if a client is in 'review' status then they will be pushed through the KYC

    (Our internal ref: 820)

  2. So we were going to tackle this by having the concept of a 'vault'. Notes of a type 'encrypted' could be stored against a client or a contract product. They may be visible to clients or may not be. 

    This is particularly useful if a client wants to share logins to for example their wordpress site for you to debug, or to an old host for a migration.

    We were also going to extend the idea to a central staff vault, so passwords that staff might need would be encrypted in a central panel like a password store.

    (Our internal roadmap ref: b892)



  3. We've got some neat ideas for this actually - so widgets you would create in the Upmind interface and it'll then give you a snippet of code to embed. Would be really useful not just for hosting but also to swap out things like Contact Form 7 or Ninja Forms from WordPress websites.

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  4. You can now set client area templates and content. It's super neat.

    Under settings -> client area templates

    You can define content with variables, and then put it in different places throughout the client area.

    You can also add content to specific product pages -- by going to the product -> product templates



    Screenshot 2022-07-02 at 11.44.18.png

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    • Thanks 3
  5. Domain Name Transfer - yes

    Domain Name Promotion Management - yes 

    Bulk Domain Import From Service Provider - not yet

    Bulk Extension Import from Service Provider - not yet

    Whois Protection - in theory you could but not fully. Our understanding is that post-GDPR almost all providers include it.

    Premium domains support - not yet

    TLD & Pricing Sync support - you could do management of pricing via our API, and you can copy pricing from other domains, but there isn't a sync of pricing (with for example markup) from a provision provider.

    domain Restore functionality -  by this you mean redemption? not yet. You can confirm the date at which domains go into redemption and our polling system will mark a domain as cancelled once it is, but there's no ability to order the domain restoration from redemption yet.

    Domain Grace and Redemption Grace Periods - grace periods are fine, yes. You can configure per TLD.

    Email Forwarding - This wouldn't be something upmind would handle, you would need a service for it.

    per domain profit markup percentages - this is linked to the pricing sync, as presumably needs to take cost from the providers. Will be there eventually but not high on the list.

  6. Hi Erikson

    Thanks for your message and kind words! Answers inline

    >How can I embed a product on my site? I have read that one can use Upmind as a storefront but it's not the main purpose.
    However, I cannot find how to embed the products. Do I need to use the API? I would love to, but I live in brazil and the exchange doesn't really help lol

    We suggest you get Upmind running on a subdomain like my.[yourdomain.com]. Then you would link there from your main site.

    We've got widgets coming in the medium term for things like plan cards etc, but in the meantime you would just add something manually and link it to the order page. You don't need to do the API for that but you would need to just manually make the card on your frontend site (e.g. WordPress)

    >Secondly: As I said, I am a freelance, and I would love to raise a ticket once an order is paid - This would help tremendously on managing everything within one place, instead of having to send a gazillion emails back and forth. I think you get the picture. So, would this be possible somehow?

    Not yet but has been requested and will be coming soon. It'll almost certainly be a form of product notification that you can configure under settings -> product catalogue - > [product] -> product notifications.

    However, I would like to be able showing the customer a due date or something like that, so they know when I am going to deliver their order. Does that make sense?

    We don't have this but it's a neat idea and probably something we can build into product custom fields which is on the roadmap



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