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per user pricing


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I have been looking for an alternative to whmcs for a long time, and upmind looks like it has potential, I especially like the multi brand feature, which would be useful as I currently run multiple whmcs installs.

My big issue is the per staff user pricing.
While I am just a small 1 man business, I do use freelancers and outsource support, so I would need all of those people to have their own staff user account, which would be prohibitively expensive right off the bat.

I think the way WHMCS do it is fair, as it is based on the number of active customers. So it remains cheap and affordable for small businesses. I know a lot of people complained when WHMCS changed their pricing model, but it really only impacted large hosting providers with more than 10,000 active customers, who could clearly afford it.

With your per-staff user pricing, it would cost me way more than whmcs by a factor 10+ and for less features and integrations.

Do you have any plans to change this?


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I do agree with you to a certain extent, but not in other ways. For example, £17 month inc vat is a lot for one staff member on a project that makes not much income for example. However, if its running an established busniness, its really not that much (when you consider it also includes hosting, email security etc etc). I was hoping for a black friday discount in order to pay upmind instead of being on a free version for my project - but where £17 is just too much where there is a lack of integrations and features (ie invoicing, directadmin / ovh / other integrations). I would happily pay £10 month with no actual clients on my project and perhaps migrate some real clients to it, knowing there are limitations - if it meant I could drop whmcs or hostbill cost for example. 

I dont accept that whm** licesning is fair. It's not. the contract is with whmcs for the product and is not dependant on how many clients i have in the system. After all, I keep the software alive and secure on our own systems and resources which does not impact on whmcs costs.

Upmind support has been great for me - relatively quick to respond, and being able to allow them remote access between specific dates is brilliant and easy. The system has also always been quick to login, and use, from various internet connections. Would I like a lower price? yes - for one admin user perhaps around the £10 month mark. But then I want the world on a stick too. 

That all being said - I did forget I had some other admin users that help out, and I would certainly not pay £17 month for them to login.  Maybe a price for one admin users and then a slightly higher for "up to 3" ?? or reduced license for non invoicing admins or something? I dont know, maybe @Seb can chip in with his thoughts.

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We are actually going to be changing our pricing relatively soon to make the free plan allow more users. We've got what we think is a much more sensible pricing model coming soon.

I do think our pricing is extremely extremely good value (especially as it's free for most of our users) -- but there are obviously edge cases like where you use freelancers where it can get expensive that wasn't intended.

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33 minutes ago, Seb said:

We are actually going to be changing our pricing relatively soon to make the free plan allow more users. We've got what we think is a much more sensible pricing model coming soon.

I do think our pricing is extremely extremely good value (especially as it's free for most of our users) -- but there are obviously edge cases like where you use freelancers where it can get expensive that wasn't intended.

sounds amazing. with the hosting and no need to upgrade to get new features, you are offering a great saas product. 

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that is great to hear...
Since so many businesses are now outsourcing and white labelling these days, I would imagine this must be a common issue now.

I think the only way to keep it affordable for small businesses is to have it based on income, number of clients etc.
Or maybe the per user pricing is based on role, for only full admins pay the full price.

Despite what psybox said above, WHMCS clearly does achieve this. Granted, it is unfair based on the fact that you are hosting and supporting it yourself, so it should have stayed a flat price, but that's a moot point now. This is a common tactic with so many products, reel them in with cheap pricing, then put it up once you have a shed load of users.

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regardless of what we (I) think of other products pricing etc, I think we all recognise the value in this product and want the best for upmind and for us.  I look forward to seeing what is suggested and continuing to have productive conversations in these forums for many moons to come. 

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  • 1 month later...
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  • 3 weeks later...

great to see it's been updated, but I notice that I still need to pay for each extra staff user. This is still an issue for small company like me with my offshore and freelancers people. I have some freelancers that in general do not communicate with clients, and I might only assign a ticket to them once in a blue moon, but I would still need to pay a user for them every month.
Same with the outsourced support, I pay an agency for support but need a login for each person.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes I also think the $25 a month is a bit excessive for a new product compared to WHMCS, DirectAdmin, Plesk etc. I wish you guys has a one smaller plan that that as its a big jump from Free to $25 a month. You should consider a $10 a month plan. 

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  • 2 months later...

disapointingly this is more expensive than whmcs now. At least WHMCS pricing tier is only based on active clients and everything else is unlimited.
upmind is charging extra for everything... users, invoices, clients, brands etc

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