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Everything posted by Wordy

  1. Just want to add my upvote here as well. Also I would like to add why Mollie is an added value for Upmind, international users and dutch users. In short: Recurring payments (SEPA iDeal) iDeal payment method (dutch users) Many payment methods (EU users and other international users) 1. Recurring payments (SEPA iDeal) With Mollie recurring payments you can set automatic payments with multiple payment methods such as iDeal, SEPA direct debit, creditcard or PayPal. I am aware that GoCardless offers SEPA direct debit, however there are a few advantages with Mollie: You can pay the first invoice with any payment method (to verify) and pay the following invoices automatically with a recurring payment. This is particularly usefull when provision an account since you dont have to wait for the first payment to come in. Since GoCardless SEPA direct debit takes a few days to receive the funds, you can not setup a account automatically. Because you can use multiple payments to set a recurring payment you can use iDeal to verify the payment. 60% of the dutch ecommerce payments are made with iDeal. Only 5% is made with PayPal. Also credit card is only used 5%. You dont need to fill in your personal details such as address with iDeal. You can directly pay with your own banking app. Wich makes the transaction much faster. 2. iDeal payment method (dutch users) For dutch users iDeal is the most important payment method. If we only offer GoCardless, Paypal or stripe we are missing out on 60+ percent of users/payments. Also GoCardless offers recurring payments only. The problem with that is that we cant offer a other form of payment to pay one time payments or in the event that a SEPA direct debit did not work and the payment is overdue. Here are some numbers on the usage of iDeal in: Since its introduction in 2005, more than 3 billion iDEAL payments were made. In 2019: 667 million payments were made with iDEAL. 60% of the Dutch eCommerce transactions were paid with iDEAL. 99 million iDEAL payments were made via non-Dutch websites. iDEAL is offered as a payment method by more than 125.000 online organisations. Over 98% of Dutch online banking users can pay with iDEAL. iDEAL is consistently in the top 10 strongest brands in the Netherlands Source: https://www.ideal.nl/cms/files/Factsheet_iDEALpayments_UK.pdf 3. Many payment methods (EU users and other international users) Mollie is not only popular in the Netherlands. There are many payment methods available for many countries. Full list here: https://help.mollie.com/hc/en-us/articles/115002116105-Can-I-use-Mollie-s-services-in-my-country I hope this clarifies the importance of mollie, especially for dutch users. It's for me and many others the only thing holding us back to using upmind. I hope these numbers can help upvote this thread.
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