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  1. You're probably right, I also used SVG files for both logos, I'll try a PNG in the meantime. It must be some kind of SVG related scheduled job (?). The last attempt worked for a few hours.
  2. Hi Chris, that's a great addition, although I thought there might be something wrong, I thought it might be a bug due to the upload order, but I've been able to confirm that's not the case. For some reason the horizontal logo works correctly when uploaded, but after a few hours it stops working and is displayed in 1:1 format.
  3. I'd like to bring this up, in the last year Hestia has probably been the fastest growing CP in Users/GitHub, not only because of all the legacy behind it (VestaCP), but because of the myriad of fixes and new features they are including, besides the short term roadmap, plugins, ipv6 and incremental backups with Restic among others... The development team seems to have a clear idea of how to manage and improve CP and that alone makes me think it has a great future ahead of it. For this reason and because we are implementing new ARM servers where Hestia is one of the few CPs that works perfectly, we are migrating several clients to Hestia, it would be great to incorporate its compatibility with Upmind, it should be quite straightforward as it has a solid API and in fact there are already implementations in other software, the VestaCP ones still partially work and I have seen that HostBilling already has a specific one for Hestia.
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