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  1. In Germany, the new e-invoicing law will apply from 01.01.2028, which makes it mandatory for B2B invoices over €250 (as well as many other criteria) to require an e-invoice. The transition period begins on 01.01.2025 Upmind is currently not designed for this, as invoices are normally sent as PDFs by email. This is no longer valid with the e-invoice change. Can you incorporate the changes in Upmind? Otherwise it will be problematic for users from Germany if they issue B2B invoices. B2C is not affected by the change. I have attached 2 PDFs that explain it in more detail. The ‘en’ version has been translated with Deepl, as I only have the original German version. Further information: https://ec.europa.eu/digital-building-blocks/sites/display/DIGITAL/eInvoicing+in+Germany E-Rechnungen en.pdf E-Rechnungen.pdf
  2. Hey, I also use the German language exclusively at my company and the translation is sometimes really bad. So I would like to help with the translation.
  3. That would be realy create!
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