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Custom Domain Not Working

Ramer Ian

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Hi Upmind Team,

I wanted to reach out to let you know that I'm having trouble with my custom domain (app.wpgenius.org). It doesn't seem to be working, and I think I might be on the blocked list.

Recently, my email and Google account were hacked, so I'm wondering if that could be the reason why. I would appreciate it if you could take a look and let me know what's going on.

Here is the screenshot of the error notice: (https://prnt.sc/kNur9kaL-yzc)

Thank you for your help.

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  • 3 weeks later...

That error occurs if there is a block against the IP accessing it. We have firewalls that block based on different activity based on certain timeframes. It's pretty rare for a block to happen to an actual user. If you message us your IP address when this occurs we can check the logsĀ  - but all our blocks are typically temporary for a few minutes at most anyway

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