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  1. Would be better to give us dates than promises. Unless you agree to "i promise I will pay every month 😊."
  2. I am using upmind for few months, more actively 1 month now. I am really disappointed with upmind. 1. Provisions take for ever to be implemented. 2. Customer support doesn't know what is talking about. See 3. 3. API . They sell it to us as functional. Let me tell you what. IF you are lucky for the documentation page to load (might take few hrs and then crash) and IF you are lucky for API not to be unavailable then you MIGHT get a some job done. Have raised this issue multiple times and they always tell "will be fixed". 4. Basic functions as import or export product misses. So if you have multiple plans .. nah! If you want to use API to do it? Nah see 3. This post is with love. But it seems you have quit.
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