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Everything posted by dsuinfotech

  1. Okay thanks hope you will bring this option in future.
  2. Hello, I opened this thread last month and the value of this required option undestand today let me share with you. As per India GSTIN Rule we can't break Invoice series we have to provide the details of all invoices like Raised Invoice, Cancelled invoice with Reason. To explore the demo i raise multipe invoices and my whole invoice series distrubed due to no delete option. So my humble request do research for invoicing rule of all countries and do helpful to bring invoice delete option. Even upmind automated billing i raise an invoice in my offline software manully for all clients and told them don't consider our online automated invoice to take Input Tax Credit in GST. Thanks
  3. Hey i am asking for main category description not coming . You write Description and short description in Hosting category and check will not see on client cp.
  4. Hey thanks for considering my feedback. You create Sub category and check no description appear in category tab as i shared pic.
  5. Hello team, I entered category description and short description along with image but not displayed in shop. check photo Thanks
  6. Got it let me check by generating new invoice for experiment. Thanks
  7. So client will get notified and invoice number will be changed ? zero amount invoice will be generated ? what will happen.
  8. Hello team, One of my client paid inoivce before 5+ days and that time he entered his name as "ABC" now he want invoice name as per his organization name "XYZ Organization" so i changed First name, Company Name, Client Name from my admin panel and shows in my upmind panel properly but when i share this invoice with client or login as client it shows old name as "ABC". So request to help me to fix this. Thanks
  9. Hey this help me but now my query is if i want to check how this will work so i added all dummy data but during time period i see there is no option in days.. i can add subscription only in months.. if i want to sell subscription only for 1 or 7 days how this will possible ? Thanks
  10. I can show you this error coming twice if changing options. Thanks
  11. Hello Team, I am a Wordpress Website developer and Selling Development Services on Yearly Basis. already using Client Relation Management Software but now thought it is possible to sell same using Upmind? But my requirement is little differ.. i am selling yearly subscription but 1st Year Subscription cost is $50 and 2nd year onwards only AMC i take so Renewal Cost is $20 till client renew. so this can be achieve in upmind?? as i checked myself but no option found. Thanks
  12. Hello team, I am phasing an issue while changing Product Provision in New Product. First i selected Web Hosting, Than Auto Login so it saved after this i changed to Manual, Server Maual, No Provisioning etc options but it's not saved and shows error as "Product's provision blueprint change still in progress" i tried to refresh tab 2 times still same error. after that i selected Revert changes so it's saved as Auto Login mode i last selected but after that again i tried to change to No Provision again throws same error.. i closed product page and reopen it still same error. Why this error in loop? PFA Please help me to fix. Thanks
  13. Ohh i can''t proceed for reset because there are 4 clients products and invoices live. but i am happy to heard only 50 paid invoices will be count so now i can cancel rest demo invoices. Thanks
  14. In addition to above post if i cancel invoice than will not count under 50/month limit?
  15. Hello Team, I was just exploring upmind and placed many orders and automated invoices and credit note generated almost its reached 35 count and now issue is from this invoices Real invoices count only 4 so now how to delete fake demo invoices?? i tried myself but not able to find. thanks
  16. Hello check in image i added Attribute US Server description and EXCERPT but not showing on product page so can you guide me how will be visible ? Thanks
  17. it's worked but i am saying you provided only 1 link option as Terms & Conditions link to external page. if i want to add multiple policy pages than how to add there is no option.
  18. I understand but if i want to put my own policies than ? right now i have added into my main site but in CP user can't get user have to find main site link or i have to add all policies inside one pag and have to link in upmind external link.
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