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  1. +1. I've never seen two Paypal payment options in a checkout. This will lead clients to hesitate which one to choose and will affect conversion.
  2. Hello @Seb Just a little follow up on this. I'm very much in need of webhooks. I have to add new clients into my external Newsletter app so they receive the Purchase Flow. Do you have an expected deadline for this? Thanks.
  3. This is an absolute must have. +1 If you don't do that, please integrate with Pabbly so that I can connect my email marketing tools and send email directly to clients who abandon their cart.
  4. +1 for Google My Domain. That's where I buy them.
  5. This is my #1 request. Please integrate with Stripe so we can use their checkout, accounting etc... Stripe is the best in terms of checkout optimization and API documentation. Right now the only thing holding me back is a proper funnel. Stripe allows to build up any funnel. They also have upsells etc... At the moment I am not confident in the existing checkout flow and I prefer to make my own store/product listing on my WP site.
  6. This is very important for me too and I like Upmind's modular approach where we can disable support. I'm using Gleap.io for all support ticket, email, etc... and I would love to see Upmind integrating with 1/3 party support solutions as well.
  7. Great idea. Integration with BetterUptime and others as well.
  8. In my opinion, I would prefer Upmind to concentrate solely on ordering, billing, and provisioning, and maintain a lightweight approach. Instead, they could collaborate with third-party solutions that specialize in accounting. Similar to Enhance with CF integration, Upmind could have an integration module allowing users to select which integrations to enable or disable. For instance, Quickbooks and Xero could be included so we can export data from Upmind.
  9. Instead of using Upmind for this purpose, I'd rather use a solution specialized in email marketing. I bought Acumbamail on Appsumo which works well. There are dozens on the market.
  10. Honestly trying to comply with Indian tax regulations is impossible. You need to find a way. I don't think Upmind should adjust to each and every country but instead use custom fields for specific cases. @Viswanath VB solution seems a good one.
  11. Hello @Viswanath VB Is a widget already available aside from the Domain search engine? Thanks
  12. Hello, I'm wondering what the current best Upmind Checkout flow is for a WP site. I haven't changed any of the default settings. Are there any specific settings that I should adjust or tweak? Thanks in advance for your help.
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