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Translation Information


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Hey guys. Thanks for volunteering to help with the translations. This forum is private to discuss translations

We use localazy.com and you should have an invite to this system

Once in, you will see two projects

- Upmind BE
- Upmind FE

The BE (backend) is everything that comes back from the API. The FE (frontend) is everything that shows in the frontend.

Both need translating.

We have done the 'auto-translate' feature of Localazy, which means that all the strings have been translated using auto-translation tools like Amazon Translate/Google Translate. But this is not perfect.

We need to do two things

1. Check through the translations and fix any that are wrong (important but not critical)
2. Fix any placeholders (very important)

Placeholders are how we insert custom variables into the text. On Upmind FE this is handled like {this}. On Upmind BE this is handled like :this

The auto-translations have messed up some of these. 

Let's keep any questions or comments in here.

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Guest DontSkipBreakfast

Genuinely happy to contribute to an Arabic translation if there is one.

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Hi there! Thank you for your interest in translating the language. While we can add languages, our system currently doesn't support right-to-left languages, including Arabic

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