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What is happening with upmind?

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I am using upmind for few months, more actively 1 month now. 

I am really disappointed with upmind.

1. Provisions take for ever to be implemented.

2. Customer support doesn't know what is talking about. See 3.

3. API . They sell it to us as functional. Let me tell you what. IF you are lucky for the documentation page to load (might take few hrs and then crash) and IF you are lucky for API not to be unavailable then you MIGHT get a some job done. Have raised this issue multiple times and they always tell "will be fixed". 

4. Basic functions as import or export product misses. So if you have multiple plans .. nah! If you want to use API to do it? Nah see 3. 

This post is with love. But it seems you have quit.


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Hi @bzntechco,

Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feedback. We sincerely apologize for the issues you've encountered. Let me address each point individually:

1. We understand your frustration with the provisioning delays. Currently, our team is hard at work on Upmind Provisioning v2, offering custom integrations tailored to your needs. This update will reduce dependency on our first-party integrations and boost flexibility. We’ve also recently launched new options like OpenPay, InternetX, and EurID domain provisioning

2. We also regret any unsatisfactory support experiences. Your feedback is crucial, and we're actively enhancing our team's knowledge and responsiveness.

3. For the API and its documentation, we acknowledge the difficulties you've experienced. We are currently prioritizing an overhaul of our API documentation. Our goal is to launch a comprehensive and reliable set of API docs in a proper Swagger format, making it easier for you to understand and utilize our APIs effectively.

4. And about import and export functionality, we do offer the ability to import data via CSV files. For instance, to import invoices, you need to import your client data first. You can also export your data through the Settings -> Reports section. We understand that managing multiple plans can be challenging, and we’re continuously working to improve these features. If you need assistance with the import/export process, please don’t hesitate to raise a support ticket, and we’ll be more than happy to assist you.

We’re committed to enhancing these services and will provide more updates soon through our newsletter and feature tracker as well here. 


If you have any other concerns or need further assistance, please let us know. We’re here to help

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I'm sorry for any frustration our communication may have caused. We're working hard to provide clear timelines, and your feedback helps us improve

If you're still facing issues, please reach out via ticket, and we'll do our best to assist you promptly

Thank you for your patience.

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