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  1. Can I throw Netistrar into this list? We use them extensively with one of our companies.
  2. Openprovider have launched a new sandbox/test environment - is it possible for Upmind to support this for testing purposes? https://support.openprovider.eu/hc/en-us/articles/8095671860114
  3. With my main business, we primarily deal with wholesalers directly at the moment for the ~1,000 domains we look after, primarily Netistrar & Nominet these days now, after moving away from SRS a few years back. One of the areas that's always irked me with these wholesale systems (OpenSRS, eNom, Netistrar, etc) is how contacts are handled. If you update an address book entry for a client, you still have to manually update their contact details against the domain records. Funnily enough Nominet out of all of them get this bit right - you can update a handle and all domain records update. Can (if it doesn't already) Upmind fine a sane way to handle this? Can, even optionally, client contact updates (or address book updates) roll out to related domains so everything is kept in sync?
  4. Apologies if this is the wrong forum to ask this (please do move it if so). I just had a question about the domain contact details workflow when integrating domain registrars... At the moment it seems customers are thrown straight into a large contact form and have to manually input contact details for every registration (I think that's how it works as far as I can see). Are there plans to allow it to default to account details, or use contact details from a previous registration (or from a saved address book)? It would make that flow a lot nicer.
  5. Watched through them - good intro - looking forward to the continuation!
  6. Ah, fair play, yes, that's what I was about to resort to also.
  7. Kind of unrelated to Upmind, but I was curious if you'd found a sane way to test it since their CTE seems, inexplicably, to be unavailable.
  8. This might be a non-starter (or there may be a way to do it already), but for those of us that are still in the testing phase, it could be handy to have a way to reset the data in our accounts? So if I have test clients/sales/accounts/etc, those can be cleared when we're ready to go-live? Just a thought. S.
  9. Thanks Harry, that's really good to see.
  10. Not a high priority at all (from my point of view), but it would be good to be able to resell SSL certs that are available via some of the domain reseller you're integrating. I was about to look at implementing this as part of testing WHMCS and I've paused that whilst I wait to see how a couple of things shape up on Upmind. You've got OpenProvider on your domain list already, so related to that: https://www.openprovider.com/resellers/plugins/whmcs-ssl-module
  11. Just as an FYI - I've been playing around with this and the option for a main logo & a separate square one would definitely solve the issue for me.
  12. Do you have any "sneak peaks" as to what you have in mind for the checkout UX/UI? I really like the the admin area, it's so polished compared to the alternatives out there, but the client ordering side of things (at least as far web provider use goes) is quite clunky and probably the old thing that's really holding me back from jumping in with both feet.
  13. Oh nice! Out of curiosity - do your integrations with the likes of OpenProvider handle .uk registrations (inbound transfers, IPS tag changes, etc)?
  14. Hey Seb, did OpenProvider make it out the door? I spotted it in the newsletter, but I can't see it in the integrations list?
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