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Everything posted by Chris

  1. 0.51.1 - FIX: Endpoint hit for client template render 0.51.2 - FIX: 'Powered by Upmind' having incorrect conditional 0.51.3 - NEW: Implement client template `slots?with=mappings` relation - NEW: Separate client area slots and templates into tabs - NEW: Refine client area template UI within catalogue context - FIX: Subject validation error when updating an existing client template - INTERNAL: Update `categorySelectField` to get/set `category_code` - INTERNAL: Sync latest Localazy translations
  2. 0.51.0 - NEW: Implement client area template management UI - NEW: Implement client 'footer' template slot - NEW: Implement client 'login page' template slot - NEW: Implement client 'register page' template slot - NEW: Implement client 'support overview' template slot - NEW: Implement client 'affiliate overview' template slot - INTERNAL: Refactor template providers
  3. 0.50.3 - NEW: Implement BOS to disable/hide support system for clients - NEW: Implement BOS to select billing term descriptions (monthly or yearly) - NEW: Implement BOS to control position of 'Was price' on billing term cards - NEW: Implement BOS to specify default redirect destination post-login - NEW: Implement BOS to prevent payment method deletion unless a substitute exists - NEW: Implement BOS to force card storage - NEW: Implement BOS to set default `ENTER` key behaviour when composing messages - NEW: Auto-redirect from client cprod listing when only one contract product exists - NEW: Change display text of brand language selector - FIX: Don't show `selector` child slot if empty - INTERNAL: Sync latest Localazy translations
  4. 0.50.2 - NEW: Add 'Change language' control for unauthenticated users - NEW: Update contract product listing in admin»client context - FIX: Basket reset bug after successful checkout - FIX: Ghost sorting item post catalogue product creation - INTERNAL: Sync latest Localazy translations
  5. Hi Jackie - thanks for the feedback. This is on our radar and we'll try to improve labels across all forms and navigation.
  6. 0.50.0 - NEW: Improved SCA handling & compliance - INTERNAL: Part-refactor of payment & external auth providers 0.50.1 - NEW: Show unresolved provision requests message on contract product level - NEW: Add manual activation control (below status) when awaiting activation - NEW: Pre-populate affiliate link redirect URL using brand default - FIX: Smart domain field validation when untouched - FIX: Caching of status text after manual status change - FIX: White space setting on gateway instructions (to use pre-line) - FIX: Client stats incorrectly filtering by brand currency - FIX: Order modal error handling when orderId not found
  7. 0.49.6 - NEW: Improve phone input UX (using libphonenumber-js) - NEW: Show subcategories as fallback when no products in shop context - FIX: Asynchronous gateways not showing as option under "Pay invoice" - FIX: Basket product provision fields vanishing after validation error - FIX: Unhandled confirm delete error (in provision configurations) - FIX: Auto-selection of single mandatory options when switching terms - FIX: Sentry issue UPMIND-11V - FIX: Sentry issue UPMIND-11R 0.49.7 - NEW: Implement smart account domain provision field - FIX: Ticket table rows to render as native anchor elements - FIX: Sentry issue UPMIND-11Z 0.49.8 - INTERNAL: Use latest DAC widget (v1.22.5)
  8. 0.49.5 - NEW: Subtle design tweaks to price term cards - FIX: Promotion details not consitently showing for radio select terms
  9. 0.49.2 - NEW: Implement 'Billing term display' setting with new 'Cards' option - FIX: Only show billing terms control when multiple terms exist 0.49.3 - NEW: Update provision requests log to support `poll` request rows - NEW: 'Sync renewal dates' control on domain registrars listing - NEW: Implement `BrandsProvider` with redesigned grid listing - NEW: Indicate contract products with unresolved provision requests - NEW: Use `UGridItem` component for contract products grid listing - FIX: Sentry issue UPMIND-YV|YM|YN|YP (\$store is not defined) - FIX: Sentry issue UPMIND-10S (basketPromos push) 0.49.4 - NEW: Refactor provision request modal, implementing `provisionRequestProvider` - FIX: Product term discount & promotion display on radio selector - FIX: Sentry issue UPMIND-TE - INTERNAL: Sync latest Localazy translations
  10. 0.49.1 - NEW: Implement domain blueprint field management within host control module - NEW: Implement quantity control on modify contract product modal - NEW: Guard app entry from invalid or disabled OAuth clients - NEW: Strip `(https?:\/\/)?(www\.)?` from domain availability checks - FIX: Infinite refresh loop / 401 token error handling within the DAC - FIX: Basket reset bug when switching clients in an admin context - FIX: Unhandled exception when deleting client - FIX: Contract product price display in list mode - INTERNAL: Sync latest Localazy translations
  11. 0.49.0 - NEW: Implement "One-Page" checkout flow (phase 1) - NEW: Implement support for new checkout styling BOSs - INTERNAL: Refactor of order, basket and checkout providers - INTERNAL: Refactor of payment provider SCA hand-off This release introduces the foundations of a new "one-page" checkout flow (pictured below) which we feel delivers a more modern and streamlined checkout experience. With this first phase now live, we'll be iterating quickly over the coming weeks to add further improvements and design changes – including configurable billing term design options (eg pricing cards), optionally deferring provision field capture to be post-order and new "Quick-add" to basket options – allowing customers to remain in the shop context rather heading straight to checkout. To enable the new checkout flow, navigate to `/admin/settings/ui` in your Upmind instance and switch over from the "stepped" flow. We hope you like it and look forward to hearing your feedback and suggestions 😃
  12. We're also aware of a few pain-point areas specifically for web hosts (such as domain registrations and transfers) and have some updates coming in the next few weeks which we hope will simplify the UX here.
  13. Hi Steve – thanks for the feedback. Here's a little sneak peak of whats coming later this week (hopefully). But we have many more ideas and customisation options planned for the future.
  14. Hi Pixel! Thanks for the feedback. Interesting idea with the font-family. In theory it's possible and something we could probably implement quite easily using css variables - which we use in a similar vein for colours. The reason we have the current restriction on the logo dimensions is due to the number of different places and components its used within. You're not the first person to request this though, so we concluded the best solution is to allow brands to upload a logo and additionally a square brand icon. We can then favour the main logo (eg within the client area) but use the square icon in cases where we have dimension restrictions - such as within the admin header/menu.
  15. 0.48.11 - NEW: 'Turn off auto-renew' warning message when unpaid invoices - NEW: Add filter for tags "Not set" - FIX: Correctly show `upmind.app` instead of `.com` in mailbox form - FIX: Provision configurations list order issue - FIX: Contract product provision configuration filter limit issue - FIX: Quick add to basket and cross-sells availability
  16. 0.48.10 - NEW: Implement auto-populate product prices functionality - FIX: Modify contract product option price bug
  17. 0.48.9 - NEW: On create ticket, make department selection required - NEW: Implement 'Order template' management - FIX: Refund from wallet bug - INTERNAL: Introduce new `UGritItem` component
  18. 0.48.8 - NEW: Add support for 'Remove Upmind branding' option - NEW: Integrate with Localazy for improved app translation management. If you're interested in helping translate our app into a specific language please get in touch :) - NEW: Use browser default language (if supported) when no localStorage preference - INTERNAL: Refactor retrieval of org config values - INTERNAL: Sync latest translations (from Lokalise)
  19. 0.48.7 - FIX: Price not always being passed when modifying a contract product - FIX: Bug when `brandCurrency` is undefined. Resolves Sentry issue - FIX: "Cannot read properties of null" bug. Resolves Sentry issue - FIX: "Cannot read properties of undefined error". Resolves Sentry issue - FIX: Remove contract product 'Delegates' tab in My.Upmind context
  20. 0.48.6 - NEW: Migrate contract product management to `My.Upmind` context - NEW: Migrate orders listing/view to `My.Upmind` context - NEW: Migrate credit notes listing/view to `My.Upmind` context
  21. 0.48.5 - NEW: Implement new "Manage my Upmind" interface for org admins - NEW: Prompt "Resend verification email" modal when authenticating an unverified org - NEW: Refine 'Recent tickets' listing component - FIX: Sentry issue
  22. 0.48.4 - HOTFIX: `getOrgProvisioning` crashing when called with expired token(s)
  23. 0.48.3 - NEW: Preselect single mandatory options – facilitating setup fees etc - NEW: Sort provision configurations alphabetically - FIX: Show contract product settings tab regardless of status - FIX: Default brand currency selection + related type warnings - FIX: Only show store product link for main products (not options) - FIX: Prioritise loading of lang packs (before any API calls are made)
  24. @norservers This issue has now been fixed. Apologies again for the confusion and inconvenience. Do let us know if you encounter anything else untoward.
  25. Hi @norservers - apologies about this. A recent update broke the main catalogue listing which is why you're having this behaviour. A fix is deploying now and should be live in the next 20 minutes or so.
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